PrepareToFly2007-07-26 19:41:24
Hi, Everyone

I have a very messy situation.

I am under H1B and lost job yesterday, does anyone know how many days can I legally stay?

My hu*****an has his own H1B and filed 485 in July 2007, I haven't filed 485 with him. Should I swith H4 and file 485 under him? But he hasn't got 485 receipt, what will be my option?

Thank you very much!

天平上的猫2007-07-26 19:50:08
天平上的猫2007-07-26 19:55:14
或者找一个朋友的公司,把你的H1 转到你朋友的公司,法律允许你只要
xiaobaitu2007-07-26 19:57:16
I think you may file I-539 to apply H4 within 10 days
pjiang2007-07-26 20:04:26
and file I-485 too - 回复:I think you may file I-539 to apply H4 w