dogoliver2007-08-03 18:49:11
Application: 9/19/2003 EB2 in TSC
NC started from 10/3/2003
wrote a letter to Fisrt Lady 2/6/2007
NC released 3/27/2007
went to local office 6/1/2007, a officer filled form to transfer my folder from TCS to Houston local office, and was told to wait 60 days.
nothing happened within 60 days.
went to local office this morning, I was told my folder was transfered to Houston local office yesteday. I should get information in 30-40 days.
hope this information is useful for every one.

北京胡同小四儿2007-08-03 18:53:26
恭喜. 一路顺风. 要是忙就别回来看我们了.
BelieveGod2007-08-03 18:59:32
Congratulations! PD 2003!! 回复:I'm going to get my GC
Lyon2007-08-03 19:09:58
xiaobaitu2007-08-03 19:13:28
小燕南南飞2007-08-03 19:15:21
Lyon2007-08-03 19:19:16
北京胡同小四儿2007-08-03 19:20:04
燕儿,今天绿坛阴天. 傍晚时多云转晴.
小燕南南飞2007-08-03 19:53:19
嘻嘻~~ 绿坛不是每天都是阴天吗?哪有多云转晴??