xfhbcxs2007-08-10 19:49:46
I searched all the old information in WXC about the birth certification issue. My son was born in Shandong and has a medical birth certificate that showed he was born in Shandong. But He is a resident of Beijing (according to my resicency card) Therefore, he got a passport of birth place in Beijing. I saw one message shared in WXC that the chinese embassay won't change the birth place in the passport. I called and emailed Chinese embassay but did not get any response. So should I explain the discrepancy between the birth certificate and passport when filing 485?

BTW, Does my son(7 Yrs) need finger frint application? How much is his fee. I am under July bulletin?
xfhbcxs2007-08-10 19:50:25
回复:hi, XBT, just saw you are online, and others please help
北京胡同小四儿2007-08-10 20:12:52
xiaobaitu2007-08-10 20:15:36
His passport is wrong,correct passport with birth certificate
xfhbcxs2007-08-10 20:17:28
北京胡同小四儿2007-08-10 20:22:53
我觉得到大使馆去一趟, 和他们说说.要不然看看北京还有没有
xfhbcxs2007-08-10 20:27:48
回复:我觉得到大使馆去一趟, 和他们说说.要不然看看北京还有没有