虽然递交了485,可是如果不从立法上解决技术移民的根本问题,比如每年浪费的名额,接下来的日子依然不好过。从等待recipt, AP, EAD,到每年 renew EAD,何时是个头?与其坐在电脑前不停刷新status,不如大家团结起来争取自己的利益!
Subject: A peaceful rally at Washington DC by Highly Skilled Workers
Immigration Voice (http://www.immigrationvoice.org) is a non profit
grassroots advocacy group working to alleviate the issues of Highly
Skilled Foreign Workers who are stuck in the Employment Based Green
Card Process stuck in Bureaucratic Logjams.
Immigration Voice is conducting a peaceful rally in Washington DC on
September 18th, 2007 (Tuesday).
You can/must participate in the rally if
(1) You are in various stages of the Green Card Process
(2) Belong to a retrogressed group
(3) Highly Skilled worker (Physicians, Engineers on H1B visa, J1
Waiver, L1 etc…) and planning to apply/already applied for a Green
(4) If your families are divided by backlogs and retrogression.
Thousands of families are being potentially torn apart due to their
kids “aging out”. These children are victims of something they have no
control over and they are constantly forgotten.
(5) Current students studying in various universities (from other
countries) but will be applying for Green Card soon or later
(6) If you already have a Green Card or a Citizen, you can provide
support and encouragement
Please make it a point to attend the rally. Please invite your
friends, relatives, co-workers and colleagues to the Rally. Please
spread this message through mailing lists, media contacts, Orkut and
other social networking media. If you are students, please send this
email to various student organizations. If you work for companies,
please send this message to managers, co-workers, employers etc.