46462004-05-14 15:37:27
岳父母B1/B2签证一千被拒. 情况很具体: H1延期还没批准, 485调整身份,几年都没有回去过. 岳父母以退休. 申请时用的是I485的receipt.

咨询了公司的律师, 她的回答如下:
"There is little that can be done, as the consulate has wide discretion to deny visitor's visas for any reason or no reason at all. They can apply again in the future. You could also ask the consulate if they would consider issuing the visas if you post a bond. It is unlikely, but they may consider it. "

"The bond" 是什么? 我想是我们提供的保证他们回国的文件, 请教各位大虾: 这样的文件签证官是否接受? 怎样提供?


保证书只是形式!2004-05-15 01:45:15