soulship2004-05-16 07:20:39
Thank you for your helpful information.

My question is that if I got my formal non-conditional GC & divorced the 1st
citizen, then marry to another citizen, do they count the 3 years from my new
marriage for my citizenship application? Or I have to wait another 3 years or
5 years before I can apply the citizenship.

Thank you as always.

【 在 Rosalinda (有梦人生不会寒) 的大作中提到: 】
: 原来的绿卡因为离婚而失去
: 两年的条件是为了证明婚姻的真实性而设的,结婚2年才申请的话,直接就是无条件的

: 你前一个婚姻绿卡的2年和这个有什么关系呢
: 离婚你就立刻失去身份,只有再和公民结婚或者成年美国公民的子女帮你申请才能办绿

: ,因为这个离婚结婚都要办身份,你第二次婚姻被移民局严格考察的可能性也比较的高

: 【 在 soulship (soulmate) 的大作中提到: 】
: : Hello, Friends:
: :
: : If I am married to an US citizen and having conditional GC, but if I
: : this US citizen and marry another US citizen before getting my
: non-conditional
: : GC, do they count the 2 years of condition from my new marriage?
: :
: : Similarly, in such case, do I have to wait another 3 years starting from
: : new marriage to apply my US citizenship?
: :
: : I very much thank you for your information.
: :
: : Looking forward to your reply.
sdfsdfsdff2004-05-16 23:49:08
回复:GC/Citizenship marriage
soulship2004-05-17 07:39:31
回复:回复:GC/Citizenship marriage