小燕南南飞2007-08-24 21:55:56

New Haven offers Municipal ID Cards to Illegal Immigrants NEW HAVEN, CT - New Haven, Connecticut is the first city in the United States to implement a municipal ID program open to all regardless of legal status. Of the 26 city officials who voted, only one voted against the program. The card will not make a distinction between citizens and non-citizens. The municipal ID will grant access to public services such as libraries and facilitate the payment of downtown meters for parking purposes. It will act like a debit card that also serves for identification purposes. The cost to obtain the city card will be $5 for children and $10 for adults. In addition, the city card will be a legitimate identification to open a bank account. Two New Haven banks have already agreed to accept this ID. Part of the reason why the card was proposed in the first place was to encourage illegal immigrants to open up bank accounts since they are commonly targeted for theft. Many of the estimated 15,000 illegal immigrants in New Haven do not have a bank account and sometimes have to carry large amounts on them. Now the city card will provide them the opportunity to open up a bank account since they will have an acceptable form of identification. Critics believe such program will encourage more illegal immigrants to reside in New Haven and put a strain on public services. Supporters argue the city card will increase public safety. Compared to other cities, New Haven is relative friendly to illegal immigrants as it bans police from inquiring about immigration status and provides them with federal tax help.