mother20022007-08-28 21:46:01
本人NIW I-485TED 02/2005, 1ST FINGER PRINT 05/2005, 01/2007 写信给第一夫人,参议员,得知 NAMECHECK PENDING, 03/2007
转至TSC,05/2007 2ND FINGE RPRINT。 08/2007 因搬家于08/08/2007通知移民局,昨日收到NOTICE,是给我的,RECEIPT# 和A#和姓名都对,

The status of this service request is:

On , we created a Permanent Resident Card for you and mailed it to the address we had on file at that time, but
the post office returned it to us. Recently, you called to tell us that you did not receive you Permanent Resident
Card. We have located you card and will re-mail it to the above address. Please allow 60 days for delivery. In the future,
if you change your address please contact customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

今日打电话去移民局,第一个REP.说我的CASE还PENDING,但他把我转到第二个REP.。,此人态度hen差,要了A#和BIRTH DATE,过十分钟说CASE还PENDING,我问
NOTICE什么意思,她要去CASE#, 又过十分钟说NOTICE是SENT BY ERROR。 问及NAME CHECK, said personal info cannot be released.

rstuvw2007-08-28 21:56:57
最好去 infopass 问问。回复:移民局乌龙