ATCCC2004-05-27 16:10:38
Our daughter just got her H4 VISA in Beijing. She applied her H4 VISA several months ago. Got check until recently we got a call from Embassy. They asked my hu*****and to go back China and visit them with our daughter. So my hu*****and with our daughter visited Embassy today and got visa approved. Under Annotation item, it shows us that "P/A XXX (my hu*****and 's name)". Who knows what that mean? Thanks very much!
dan7122004-05-27 16:23:20
应该是primary applicant的意思。
jl2252004-05-27 21:19:29
same situation to you
ATCCC2004-05-27 22:29:22
回复:same situation to you
Hholders2004-05-28 03:40:58
回复:got a call from Embassy