我是July2 filer,还在等I-485收据,一直担心我的申请丢掉了。所以今天打电话到NSC询问关于90天后仍然不能收到I-485收据的问题。一连打了好几个电话才碰到一个nice的IO。我问她很多人递交I-485申请比我迟都收到了收据,为什麽我没有?她说USCIS mess up .我又问如果我在等了90天后仍然不能收到I-485收据,可不可以再递一份申请?她说我要先交一份explanation letter to NSC with the evidence that you have filed your application under visa bulletin and that you couldn't get the receipt after 90 days.由office决定你能不能再交申请。如果可以再交,要按照新的收费标准交申请费。
I encourage every july 2 filer who didn't get receipt call USCIS to make sure I got correct information. Maybe we have another chance if our packages are lost.