语嫣2007-10-02 08:17:10
他们是10/05/2004收到我的背景调查的要求. FBI每年要对几百万人做背景调查.他们知道这对我来讲很重要......while an exact date for completion of this
review cannot be given,you may be assured that the results will be made available to the immigration authorities as quickly as possible.I trust this information will be of assistance.
大致这些, 前面也只是一些冠冕堂皇的词句.
请教有经验的人士, 这之后FBI有没有可能快点儿给个结果? 与我们同时申请EB3的人有一个2005底拿到了绿卡.另一个2006年三月也拿到了.
没钱仔2007-10-02 14:11:01
"as quickly as possible"总是好的
bioinfo2007-10-02 14:21:48
nothing will happen, it is routine letter from FBI
sagogo2007-10-02 15:36:04
I got the same letter yesterday
tttkkk2007-10-02 15:37:05
bioinfo, I'm considering to file WOM to push these SOB. but
bioinfo2007-10-02 16:01:36
回复:bioinfo, I'm considering to file WOM to push these SOB. but
tttkkk2007-10-02 16:09:23
bioinfo, I left a message in your 留言簿. pls look.
春夏秋2007-10-02 16:40:31
I am also considering a WOM. Would you please share any informat
safelin2007-10-02 16:48:06
回复:请教了:我六月十五日给第一夫人去信,今天收到了FBI的回信. 大概内容如下:
sagogo2007-10-02 16:55:57
How about NJ?
goinghome2007-10-02 17:14:39
Got the same letter in July and 485 approved in Sep.
sagogo2007-10-02 17:16:30
good to know. Thanks for sharing
wenxuecityweb2007-10-02 19:32:08
I got the same letter yesterday, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sagogo2007-10-02 19:39:41
Mine is signed by Daniel on behalf of Michael A Cannon
sagogo2007-10-02 20:04:49
回复:回复:bioinfo, I'm considering to file WOM to push these SOB. bu
语嫣2007-10-03 07:37:12
same here