tttkkk2007-10-04 16:35:59
bioinfo, your website you provide has many problems. Many people here have name check pending for more than 2 years, want to file WOM diy, but from the website, the information is not enough, so we still don't know what to do. You said the district judge's attitude is important, but we don't know it. And before we know if it's hopeful to win WOM, it's not a good idea to spend money to look at the old cases. Here most people want to know: 1. it's hopeful to win WOM in his district court; 2. if yes, then the procedure to file WOM; 3. some sample template to prepare the case.
Six1102007-10-04 19:26:24
回复:BIOINFO 不在,谈谈我的看法。这些都是要化时间去回答问题
tttkkk2007-10-04 20:32:52
thanks for reply, here many people are suffering from