onlymama2007-10-16 23:52:12
我收到EAD的"Card Production ordered"的邮件在10月10号, 我现在需要立即使用, 可公司说我的phsical card 没有收到, 所以不给签offer letter。 我告诉他们这个邮件就是说EAD 生效了, 有效期就是10月10号。 可他们仍然要求有INS 书面或官方网站的说明。
请问大家,我的这种情况,EAD 是不是从10月10号开始? 而且,有谁知道INS关于EAD 有效开始期的说明?只要是官方网站上的说明就行。

情况很紧急, 希望大家帮忙!!!谢谢!!!
annetony2007-10-17 00:11:18
You can get online update imformation by your case nimber, then
annetony2007-10-17 00:13:01
You can get online update information by your case number, then
onlymama2007-10-17 00:23:45
回复:You can get online update imformation by your case nimber, th
annetony2007-10-17 00:33:30
I have no idea then, lawyer should know this. Try to find
brave002007-10-17 00:59:05
call USCIS and let them talk with USCIS
诚诚72762007-10-17 01:56:04
LifeKey2007-10-17 02:07:42
Your employer is right. You have to get the card to start.
LifeKey2007-10-17 02:09:43
pharmacyelite2007-10-17 16:26:58
we just received AP approved on 10/10, your EAD will be these tw