onlymama2010-03-19 02:53:48
如题, 在485 PENDING其间换工作,用EAD为新任雇主,保持同一工作领域, 原来的雇主有无可能阻碍我的绿卡申请? 如果旧雇主给INS写信,要求取消sponsorship for my green card, will it affect my approval? 我的绿卡不是在公司律师那儿办的,但旧雇主在绿卡申请上提供过雇主资料. 140已经批准了,485 等候也两年多了.
nanjifeng2010-03-19 02:58:56
Your 485 was filed for more than 2 years and it is very
onlymama2010-03-19 03:02:41
回复:Your 485 was filed for more than 2 years and it is very
nanjifeng2010-03-19 03:19:00
I think you are safe. but ask the lawyer to confirm
nanjifeng2010-03-19 03:20:32
you can go here to ask the lawyer if you want to