kevinclin2007-10-17 02:59:05
I wrote to first lady in July. Last week, I received a letter from FBI, saying that my wife’s name check has cleared. But funny thing is the processed date by FBI listed in the letter is earlier than the requested date of CIS. Is that possible? Is it a typo, or mistakenly mixed with another person with the same name?

Also the letter said that my name check is still in process (I am the major applicant), and FBI will provide the result to USCIS as quick as possible. I am wondering if anyone received similar reply from FBI after writing to the first lady. 好象我看到的case都是name check cleared after writing to first lady. And does “as quick as possible” 算数吗?会不会又是敷衍?又是遥遥无期的等待?Does any of you have a fast clearance of name check from FBI after such a letter? I wish so to give me some confidence. Thank you very much.

同时我还想请教:我现在该怎么办?Should I keep waiting, wish FBI will clear my name check soon, or should I do the WOM? My case is filing the I-485 with I-140 concurrently in December of 2003. I-140 was approved in December of 2004. Finger printer was done in November of 2004. Since then, no any progress. I have contacted CIS for numerous times and always the same answer: name check. Really frustrated.

Your comments and suggestions are very appreciated!
six1102007-10-17 03:07:14
回复:FBI 官方标准回信。他们总是说"as quickly as possible".
Icybuf2007-10-17 03:09:52
Your NC will not go faster. It's time to file a WOM.
kevinclin2007-10-17 03:20:00
回复:回复:FBI 官方标准回信。他们总是说"as quickly as possible".
风中铃声2007-10-17 03:52:40
EB1 or 2, 3
six1102007-10-17 04:04:42
回复:too much to say, Bioinfo has a lot of posts .
bioinfo2007-10-17 04:22:37
回复:回复:回复:FBI 官方标准回信。他们总是说"as quickly as possible".
kevinclin2007-10-17 15:21:21
回复:Seek help! I received a reply from FBI after writing to first