MPOS2007-10-22 22:08:27
USCIS Field Offices in the Los Angeles, CA area (Los Angeles field office, San Bernardino field office and Santa Ana field office) and San Diego, CA (San Diego field office and Chula Vista field office) will automatically reschedule applicants who miss naturalization (N-400) or adjustment of status (I-485) interviews today due to the massive Southern California fires.

Anyone who misses an INFOPASS appointment should/may reschedule the appointment on their own, or the customer may go to the office where the appointment was originally scheduled, with the appointment notice for today.

It is unknown how long this procedure will be in place, but this alert will be updated daily until the situation changes.
darourou2007-10-22 22:30:49
回复:For Customers Affected by Southern California Fires( From CIS