小百货猫2007-11-14 18:00:46
I am in cap-based H1B. Which form should I file if I change job from company to non-profit university? Is this still called H1B transfer? Do I need to apply new H1B. If I change job back to another company later on, do I still have my H1B cap?

Thank you very much!
pjiang2007-11-14 18:06:43
I-129, Part2 2e, not subject to cap later - 回复:H1B cap to non-ca
小百货猫2007-11-14 18:18:04
Can I start working after filing I-129 in my case?
小百货猫2007-11-14 18:19:06
Or wait for proof from USCIS before start working?
pjiang2007-11-14 18:20:30
Y - 回复:Can I start working after filing I-129 in my case?