dingdingma2007-11-16 15:34:47
Current Status: Document mailed to applicant.

On November 15, 2007 we mailed the document to the address we have on file. You should receive the new document within 30 days. If you do not, or if you move before you get it, call customer service.
radiology2007-11-16 15:35:26
dingdingma2007-11-16 15:41:59
ThisMayHelp2007-11-16 15:42:40
The best assumption is that
Thanks_702007-11-16 15:50:50
回复:Anyone received such a message and later recieved anything? p
dingdingma2007-11-16 16:08:56
谢谢!! 借你的吉言. 希望早些拿到绿卡.
pharmacyelite2007-11-16 18:34:16
we received exact same notice for AP approval. Good luck!