dingdingma2008-04-04 15:10:04
去年八月给父母递交了B2的延期表, 想延到今年的五月底, 可一直没有消息. 昨天收到了补材料的信. 需要以下的材料.真拿不准交什么

1. A legible photocopy of personal data pages of passport showing the current expiration date.
2. Submit evidences to establish that you have a residence abroad to which you intend to return
房产证? 如果是, COPY 行吗, 需要做公证吗? 自己翻译一下行吗
3. Please have your sponsor submit a statement or affidavit of support specifying that contribution he/she will make on your behalf, such as room board, living expenses, medical expenses, insurance, etc. your sponsor should summit documentary evidence of ability to provide this support throughout the duration of your stay.

4. Submit a statement in which you describe your intention concerning departure from the United States.

5. Submit evidence that you are in possession of a return transportation fund necessary to secure you departure from the United States.

请PJIANG, XBT和知道的朋友帮忙解答一下, 非常感谢

pjiang2008-04-04 15:21:31
回复:Please help!!! PJiang and XBT, Additional documentation for
dingdingma2008-04-04 15:33:45
PJiang, Thank you so much!!!!