老罗2007-11-26 01:12:21
I got my emergency AP this week. I'd like to share my experience with everyone who needs it. I hope it helps.
My dad has cancer, last week my relatives told me he could pass away any time, so I decide go back ASAP. I have a pending AP filed three months ago. I checked infopass, the earliest appointment was three weeks away and I couldn't wait that long. So I called USCIS number, I told her my situation. She told me to schedule a appointment by infopass and go to local office with evidence. I asked what if there were no schedule available, to that, her response is to do directly in person and they MAY let you in.
So I went to local office the next day without a infopass scheduled appointment. The security guard let me in without questioning. However I got problems when the IO asked for infopass paper. when he found that I had neither appointment and nor E-file record. he became impatient and told me that they did not process such kind of case. Before I could give some explanation he called next person on line and denied me. I was extreme sad. I want to see my dad maybe the last time and also want to come back because I have families are here. I didn't lie, nor give any false evidence. A emergency AP is supposed to issue people like me. I saw people going back and forth at the entrance under the gray sky. My tears came down. It seemed there were no answer to my prayer. Yet miracles do happen. The security personal noticed me and asked if I need help. After hearing what happened to me, he took me to another IO. That IO was just about to accept my papers before the earlier IO saw us and stopped him. The earlier IO was very unhappy seeing I was going to the other IO. Now I emphasized the emergence of my case. so we are kind of sticking there. finally he called his supervisor and got "go ahead" from his supervisor. The rest of the work was paper work and waiting. After about 1 more hour, I had the advance parole in hand. I told my hu*****and and had him book tomorrow's flight to China.
Well, This is my experience. I know there are a lot of new immigrants like me, honest and good residents in this country. But sometimes we have to go through tough time. I hope this may give you some help and most importantly a faith that we shall never give up.

知音966912007-11-26 01:31:40
Very helpful! Thanks for sharing!
一知半解与感激不尽2007-11-26 01:45:55
Good witness and Blessing to your Dady!
rstuvw2007-11-26 02:28:08
Bless you! 回复:my experience of emergency AP
tissuetiss2007-11-26 03:54:12
Thank you for sharing. Good luck to the treatment