naomama2007-12-22 20:12:25
I sign my son’s application (8 year old)in the applicant place (I-485 & G-325A). But I do not know should I put my name in the Applicant box outlined by heavy border at the bottom of the G-325A form, or my son’s name?

再请教小白兔 Xiao Baitu- Signature for kids

感谢皮老师. for the kids -naomama

.You may sign anywhere a signature is required - 回复:再请教小白 -pjiang-

Hi Xiao Baitu, thank you for your prompt reply, but you have not answer my second and third questions: Can I sign both places for my son(I485)? And who should sign his name in the signature for “Applicant”place (G-325A), me or my son? 再谢谢.-naomama

• you did right,but it isn't a big deal -xiaobaitu-

Hi Xiao Baitu, I filled out the I485 for my 8 year old son. I signed my name in the place of “Signature of person preparing form” and my son signed his name in the“Applicant”signature place. Is this correct? Or should I sign both places for my son? In addition, the G-325A (Biographic Information) form has no “Signature of person preparing form” place. Who should sign his name in the signature for “Applicant”place, me or my son? 谢谢. -naomama
pharmacyelite2007-12-23 22:32:49
G325A is for applicants aged over 14 years old.
naomama2007-12-24 00:06:59
Thanks!回复:G325A is for applicants aged over 14 years old.
naomama2007-12-24 00:23:59
The uscis file 8cfr264.2.htm was revised in Jan. 2003. Does it g
pharmacyelite2007-12-24 04:20:29
Here's the citation
pharmacyelite2007-12-24 04:27:42
现在的485 instruction 是最新的了。expires 9/08
naomama2007-12-25 05:54:47
回复:现在的485 instruction 是最新的了。expires 9/08