泳者2008-01-03 20:16:02
真是让我急死了。我是个f-1学生,全额奖学金的。正在申请绿卡,老公的钱不够,他也是研究生。我们把我的收入也加到家庭总收入上去了,因为我们没小孩,所以就没用填864A表。出门前一天晚上,收到移民局的来信,要我提供证据证明“For the household member's income to be included in the household income, the household member's income must have been form a lawful source and earned while the household member was authorized to work in the United States.”。我的申请包裹里面的材料简直是应有尽有,什么I-20,I-94,护照复印件,税收单复印件,以前的工资单,还有W2表,还有系里小秘提供的证明我”品学兼优“的信件。我想破脑袋也不知道移民局要什么。

我当晚连夜给OISS的领导写了一封信陈述事件,她后来给我回信说可能是他们要看我sustainable income的证据?但是我原信说的是移民局要看我工作许可的证据。后来我今天就把整封移民局来的信都抄给她了。她就又重新写了一封信给移民局,目的是阐述学生签证内含校内part time工作的许可,并可以享受全额奖学金的权利。

不知道你们有人遇到过这样的事儿没有。我上infopass预约了一个appt,还不是移民面谈的,是什么other service的。早知道当初不直接寄,要求当面交材料面谈就好了。有经历过的兄弟姐妹谈谈吧。我们两个都是研究生。要是老公工作了钱多些了,就没有这么些麻烦了。

In order to process your application further, evidence that the household member on Form I-864, Affidavit of Support, or From I-864A Contract between Sponsor and Household Member, was authorized to work in the United States. Examples include one of the following:
-A copy of Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record showing a non-immigrant classification that allows the intending immigrant/household member to work lawfully in the United States. Examples include E-1, E-2, E-3, H1B, H1B1, H-1C, H-2A, H-2B, H-3, I, L-1, TN.
-A copy of a valid employment Authroization document issued by US Citizenship & Immigrant Service (USCIS)
- A copy of From I-94, Arrival/Departure Record with "Employment Authorized" or similar annotated by port-of-entry personnel.
- A copy of a valid From I-551 or From I-151, Lawful Permanent Resident card.
- A copy of a valid From I-551 stamp in passport or on From I-94 stating "temporary Proof of Permanent Resident status" or similar stamped by USCIS district office personnel or Customs and Border Protection port-of-entry personnel.
- A copy of a birth certificate issued by the proper civil authority showing birth in the United States.
- A copy of the certificate of Naturalization
- A copy of the certificate of Citizenship.
针对上面的信件,学校里的OISS的人给我专门写了一封信,阐述了F1学生可以在校园内part time工作和领取薪水的权利,以及该项条例在移民法案里面的具体款项位置。不知道我还有什么补充材料要准备,好让材料更加完善。我昨天才回到家,今天去OISS拿到了信。明天就要出远门去跟移民局面谈了。请大家帮忙看看?多谢啦。新年快乐!
泳者2008-01-04 07:58:09
pharmacyelite2008-01-04 17:25:39
how did the infopass go?
xiaobaitu2008-01-04 18:34:16