linda0808082008-01-11 04:33:55
Thank you Pjiang and sdfsdfsdff's answers. I still have the following questions:

1) my EB2 PERM is based on Master without experience. None-experience with Level 4 salary (40% 高于现在的salary). Is it a risk to get an audit? Thank you again!!!

2) Sdf mentioned "level 3 or 4 is expected for EB2, unless job zone 5." . My title is computer software engieers, applications. Can you explain what's "unless job zone 5". Is it another risk??

Thank you very much!!!!

my old post is following:

请问: 小白兔 和 Pjiang
我正在申请EB2 Perm, Master 和没有工作经验. 我的律师说州政府给我定的 Prevailing Wage is about 80,000 dollars and level is 4. 但是我现在的工资只有 60,000 dollar. 离八万=插很远虽然我的公司同意我的 Prevailing Wage (当我拿到GC时). 我想问: 这么高的 Prevailing Wage (level. 4) 对我申请 EB2 Perm, (Master ,没有工作经验) 有没有影响?

另外我的律师不想重改 Job Deion 和 再申请 Prevailing Wage.

pharmacyelite2008-01-11 15:21:09
you will be fine.