1月17日,国会Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law就最近的naturalization process delay举行了听证会。USCIS director提交了报告,明确表示delay的问题在近期内不会得到解决。这是一个很好的机会向国会呼吁恢复EB1 premium processing。
这是Subcommittee的web link: http://judiciary.house.gov/committeestructure.aspx?committee=4
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这里有一封sample letter,仅供参考。谢谢大家的参与!一起行动起来吧!
About the Hearing on the Naturalization Deplays on 1/17/2007
I have read the written testimony from the USCIS director online. As an applicant for Permanent Residence Status, I really appreciate your effort to held this hearing on a matter that is affecting millions of lives including mine. USCIS has done a remarkable job to address the surge of applications and subsequent delays. However, they are processing all applications based on the order of receiving them without prioritizing them as intended by the existing system. The EB1 priority workers who have extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business or athletics or who are outstanding professors or researchers used to have their applications processed within days and receive a final decision within a year. Now they will have to wait for 2-3 years even though visa numbers for their category are always available.
This group of people have the first priority for good reasons. They are the most needed workforce, provide the most valuable service to the economy, and make USA the most competitive country in the world in the field of science and technology. While their life and career are put on hold by the immigration process, it is also a big loss to the country.
I am just asking you to give EB1 priority workers the priority they truly deserve. They are just a small percentage of all applicants because the qualifications for EB1 are well-defined and hard to meet. One way to do it is to push USCIS to resume the premium processing for EB1 I140 application which was available until suspended in June 2007.
Thank you very much for your consideration!