我的EB2 PERM被拒,下面是劳工部给出的理由:
REASON FOR DENIAL: The notice of the filing of the ETA Form 9089 does not contain the address of teh appropriate Certifying Office at the National Processing Center with Jurisdiction over the application. The appropriate address for the area of intended employment is" Atlanta National Processing Center, Harris Tower, 233 Peachtree Street, Suite 410, Atlanta, Georgia 30303.
AUTHORITY FOR DENIAL: Per20 CFR 656.10(d)(3)(iii), the notice must provide the address of the appropriate Certifying Officer. Therefore, the application is denied.
The employer is reminded that, as an alternative to an appeal, it has the option of correcting the information provided on the application for wich the denial has been received and submitting a new application to the appropriate National Processing Center for review.
在我的申请的notice of the filing里,那个地址是Massachusetts Department of Labor, Unit 19 Staniford St, Boston MA 02114,是州里的劳工部地址。我想请问我下一步该怎么做,是申请Review,Appeal, 还是作一个新的notice of the filing,重新申请。我的Job Order和Ads分别是8月7日和8月12日开始的,重新申请是不是要重新作这些工作?谢谢。