maplewind2008-02-14 02:48:45

- 16篇文章,包括13篇英文,3篇是中文。其中9篇自己是第一作者(corresponding author )
- 20-30 个citations
- 本专业一个极好杂志的Consulting Editor, 另一中上杂志的Editorial Board Member。总计为此二杂志评审文章7篇。另外为本领域的多个国际会议评审文章总计30篇以上。
- 6年前在国内时,和三个同事合拿到过一个国家级专业协会年会的优秀论文奖。
- 本领域一个中上杂志2006年专门发了一篇Editorial来推荐我的一篇文章。不知这个算不算media report.
- 现在在一top university 做Research Associate

去年7月份file了NIW 140 和485,现在在等消息.
usedtobeadoctor2008-02-14 03:14:33
rstuvw2008-02-14 03:15:00
Try EB-1a! 是否符合EB-1b? 回复:大家帮忙分析一下EB1a的可能性
MapleWind2008-02-14 04:20:18
回复:Try EB-1a! 是否符合EB-1b? 回复:大家帮忙分析一下EB1a的可能性
just-do-it!2008-02-14 04:27:04
rstuvw2008-02-14 04:35:57
回复:回复:Try EB-1a! 是否符合EB-1b? 回复:大家帮忙分析一下EB1a的可能性
Rubikscube2008-02-14 06:42:01
Only 30 citation? Not much impact!
maplewind2008-02-14 13:58:34
回复:Only 30 citation? Not much impact!
derlin2008-02-14 14:38:31
pharmacyelite2008-02-14 14:52:22
try your best to find more. Use Chinese citation index,
davidchen20072008-02-14 17:10:27
yuan can have a try. who knows the result? I
aJ1toH1b2008-02-14 18:12:25
Your case file to TCS, may be OK; in NCS, less 50% chance
maplewind2008-02-14 18:23:37
回复:yuan can have a try. who knows the result? I
MapleWind2008-02-14 18:29:10
回复:try your best to find more. Use Chinese citation index,
pharmacyelite2008-02-14 20:23:18
Highlighting a few key articles with words acknowleging your fin