chrysanthemu2008-02-22 02:35:37
朋友(公民)的妻子在中国,签了几年都出不来。他们申请了 Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility, 最近从中国妻子处接到一份传真,上写:

Dear Applicant,
Pursuant to the authority contained in Section 212i of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended, an order dated, January 25,2008, has been granting your application for waiver.
The US Consulate Guangzhou has been informed of this grant and any inquiry you may have about your visa proceesing shoud be directed to that Consulate.

Adjudications Officer
USCIS Guangzhou

pjiang2008-02-22 02:41:35
是 - 回复:请大家看看这份传真
chrysanthemu2008-02-22 03:20:59