ForAll2008-03-19 16:39:40
Rep. Kennedy (D-RI) introduced H.R. 5634 which would exempt from numerical limitations any alien who has received a Ph.D. from an institution of higher education within the 3-year period preceding such alien’s petition for special immigrant status.

olaylady2008-03-19 17:01:24
回复:Hope this is good news Ph.D holders...
ForAll2008-03-19 17:28:57
回复:回复:Hope this is good news Ph.D holders...
Olaylady2008-03-19 17:54:54
回复:回复:回复:Hope this is good news Ph.D holders...
niwbaby2008-03-19 17:59:42
回复:Hope this is good news Ph.D holders...