fourgen2008-03-26 01:15:14
So sorry for the bad news from Kardon and SHIWANG. Wish you all the best.

I share my case since I got lots of helps here and also want to relax the friends whose cases are still pending in NSC.

PD: Sep. 2006
LUD: One - around Aug. 2007 for address change (I did it on-line, without calling and sending mail)
the second one around Dec. 2007
AP: March 17, 2008 (no email informing, but indicated on-line)
Received the approval mail March 24, 2008.

My background:
26 low-impact papers (9 Chinese and 17 English), low citation (~25 for chinese paper and ~ 10 english paper: In petiton letter, I mentioned that the low citation is coming from recent publication.).
Reviewer for a journal.
No big awards.

Wish you all good luck. Thank you!
RENLAO2008-03-26 03:39:33
gongxidongxi!回复:NIW 140 approved in NSC (no REF)