DS-3035for2004-07-14 16:18:11
I am now filling in the J-1 waiver application form for US Department of State (DS-3035 form). I appreciate your help.
1) Question 6 asks the Port of Entry. I entered the US at LA, then transferred flight to my destination, a university in New Heaven city. So, which one I should put in here, LA, New Heaven or the name of the city?
2) Question 10, What is INS alien registration number?
3) Question 11, list all exchange visitor programs. I was sponsored by two programs subsequently. What information shall I put in here for this question? Shall I put the name of the university sponsored, the period of time, what else?
4) The US Department of State asks applicants to prepare 2 self-addressed stamped legal size envelopes. What does legal size envelope mean? I check the internet and it says it is the envelope designed to hold paper with size 8.5 inches by 14 inches. Is that true? If yes, your mailing out envelope will be even larger. I am wondering how a deliver can put the big envelope through the small slot of a mail box (P.O.Box #). I appreciate any help. Thanks a lot. Have a great day.
假博士2004-07-14 17:04:47
回复:question 1, 2 and 4
hoyan2004-07-14 19:44:43
回复:回复:question 1, 2 and 4
假博士2004-07-14 20:57:31
回复:回复:回复:question 1, 2 and 4
hoyan2004-07-14 22:01:33
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