wzg2003-10-22 17:46:00
I want to express my thanks to "testestest" for his kind answer to my previous questions. I wonder if anyone knows something about the following question. Please help me and I thank you very much in advance.

I am waiting for landing paper and I hope it will be issued soon. However, one of my dependent is in China and did medical examination there. Do I need to have the passport of my dependent sent to me (in the US) for landing paper/visa purpose? If so I will do it now. Please kindly help me.

nshen62003-10-22 18:02:00
回复:CA Immigration
nshen62003-10-22 18:03:00
回复:CA Immigration
wzg2003-10-22 19:16:00
回复:CA Immigration
yimin122003-10-22 23:33:00
回复:CA Immigration
$$2003-10-23 18:27:00
回复:CA Immigration