ask8242008-04-16 22:11:19
我现在485 pending,新婚妻子在国内,我应该用什莫方法把她办过来呢?824 么?
在485 批准之前给她递交绿卡申请比我的绿卡批了以后在递会快些,对么?

如果我的绿卡批了,只能用follow to join 824 把她办过来了,是么?


pjiang2008-04-16 22:15:36
Based on your current status, the easiest one may be H-4 - 回复:请教
ask8242008-04-16 22:44:30
回复:Based on your current status, the easiest one may be H-4 - 回复
pjiang2008-04-16 22:55:42
回复:回复:Based on your current status, the easiest one may be H-4 -
ask8242008-04-17 04:34:25
回复:回复:回复:Based on your current status, the easiest one may be H-
pjiang2008-04-17 06:34:46
回复:回复:回复:回复:Based on your current status, the easiest one may be