ninohu2008-04-22 18:22:50
I just got from Houston Chinese Consulate website that the travel permit for children who was born in US has to be physically applied by the parent. No mail service and no authorized service.

But if the child's parent are US citizen or Green Card, they allow to use authorized service to apply.

So anyone who is not living in Houston needs to physically fly or drive to Chinese Consulate just for a child's travel permit.

Why they have such a troubled policy for Chinese citizen? just because we are not US citizen or PR card holder?

I just don't understand the reason. It is rediculous!
lzr2008-04-22 18:25:58
rz2008-04-22 18:27:00
回复:It is NOT right!-中国公民在美出生子女申请旅行证
blackbird-MD2008-04-22 18:34:07
美西游子2008-04-22 18:34:43
485pending4yrs2008-04-22 18:38:01
No 旅行证 will be granted to US GC or citizen's kids
美西游子2008-04-22 19:01:00
Totally understand your frustration. hope this helps
yes-and-no2008-04-22 19:04:35
息怒。要自豪。同时美国公民,旅行证2年有效, 签证3个月。
changjing2008-04-22 19:19:43
回复:Why this change?
bpc20012008-04-22 19:26:12
EB1NSC2008-04-22 20:06:27
旅行证邮寄办理 - 我的经历
changjing2008-04-22 20:09:17
回复:旅行证邮寄办理 - 我的经历
ninohu2008-04-22 20:17:48
回复:旅行证邮寄办理 - 我的经历
EB1NSC2008-04-22 20:25:22
回复:回复:旅行证邮寄办理 - 我的经历
ninohu2008-04-22 20:30:24
回复:回复:回复:旅行证邮寄办理 - 我的经历
reflash782008-04-22 20:48:11
xiaobaitu2008-04-22 21:02:14
ninohu2008-04-22 21:02:20
ninohu2008-04-22 21:06:56
xiaobaitu2008-04-22 21:10:21
the parent with green card or US citizen don't qualify for 旅行证
xiaobaitu2008-04-22 21:11:23
parent with green card or US citizen don't qualify for 旅行证
ninohu2008-04-22 21:20:32
回复:parent with green card or US citizen don't qualify for 旅行证
ninjagaiden2008-04-22 21:40:13
Just went to the website, contrary to what you said,
ninohu2008-04-22 21:49:51
回复:Just went to the website, contrary to what you said,
ninjagaiden2008-04-22 21:52:13
Oops. Yeah it IS retarded. Sorry to hear that.
reflash782008-04-22 22:49:01
reflash782008-04-22 22:52:38
changjing2008-04-22 23:09:15
回复:travel pass is better than visa, but,
Changjing2008-04-22 23:24:59
阿土仔仔2008-04-22 23:53:37
偶刚办过, 不需要本人前往,是代办的.
ABChinese2008-04-23 01:53:34
回复:回复:parent with green card or US citizen don't qualify for 旅行证
难兄难弟2008-04-23 02:12:12
It IS right!-中国公民在美出生子女申请旅行证
ninjagaiden2008-04-23 03:43:07
Something I have to say, a little off-topic:
mikelu2008-04-23 03:54:15
rhealthy2008-04-23 05:16:07
纸上谈冰2008-04-24 00:54:36