greendot2008-05-14 20:28:56
2007年7月申请过AP,旧AP今年9月要到期了,必需再申请新的AP回国。官方的Application for Travel Document (I-131) instruction写着:

Filing Fee : $305 IMPORTANT: All applicants for Re-entry Permit and/or Refugee Travel Documents between the ages of 14 through 79 are required to pay the additional $80 biometric fee.

我去年7月已经交过biometric fee,并且打过指纹了,第二次申请AP要再交一次biometric fee吗?换一句话说,AP renew 应该交$305 还是 $385?

pjiang2008-05-14 20:54:37
No biometric fee for AP - 回复:请教 PJiang, XiaoBaiTu, Experts: AP r