piip2008-06-04 06:59:17
Hi, PJiang 老师

我需要近期landing Canada, 但H1B renewal还没下来, 这样回美的时候, Automatic Revalidation 还适用吗?如果有问题, 我可以用AP回美吗?看了你的博客里引用的一段还是不太明白我的情况该如何处理。

Those who plan to visit Canada, Mexico or, in the cases of students and exchange visitors, adjacent islands, may re-enter the U.S. within thirty days on expired visas as long as they possess a valid I-94 form unless they are excluded from automatic revalidation, as noted below。


要是H1B renewal下来了, 我可以在加拿大美国领事馆签多次往返吗?

pjiang2008-06-04 16:29:44
回复:请教pjiang等老师-H1B renewal pending, landing Canada
piip2008-06-04 18:52:06