超玄之舞2008-06-18 19:24:18
I-140 EB 3 filed 07/2006 and approved. 485 filed 08/2007 pending. Got EAD valid until 11/28/2008. Been working for the current employer in NY(franchsized indepedant financial advisor)for 5 years and looking at relocate to New Jersey working for another advisor within the same company doing a same job. Questions

1. Any paperwork need to be filed to USCIS indicating the transfer?
2. Anything the current employer can do to jeopardize me?
3. By the time I renew EAD, any additional paperwork for USCIS?

Thank you for your help.
pjiang2008-06-19 17:46:25
Neither - 回复:请前辈 xiao bai tu, pjiang,换工作 485 pending w EAD