如何是好?2008-07-20 21:40:22
Help: Wife and kids live in Canada can still be claimed as dependants by hu*****and who works in the US when filing tax return?? Where to find the legal document to very ferify?? Many thanks!!
LifeKey2008-07-20 22:22:56
Need to know what is your status and how long you have been in U
如何是好?2008-07-21 16:29:29
回复:Need to know what is your status and how long you have been i
LifeKey2008-07-21 17:48:24
如何是好?2008-07-21 18:26:04
LifeKey2008-07-21 19:00:48
我有点笔误,应是: resident of CA. 当然要是只从空中飞过就不算了。:)