appleroot2008-07-31 22:10:40
EAD renewal
RD 6/30/08
Received Email : Card Production Ordered 7/31/08
Old Expiration Date: Late Sep, 08
Don't know if it is 2 years valid or not.

DIY, Thanks to PJiang. I followed the instructions in PJiang's post.
natation2008-07-31 22:13:36
回复:Which Center?TXC or NBC
natation2008-07-31 22:14:25
回复:E-file or mail?
没钱仔2008-07-31 22:24:15
也觉得现在邮寄TSC EAD 特快!效率特高。
appleroot2008-08-01 00:25:07
NSC, Mail
natation2008-08-01 00:30:58