columbus12008-08-14 02:30:53
今天乘着奥运东风,我和老婆也去infopass. 基本情况:perm eb2, pd 4/2006, nd 9/

uscis的老大爷很nice, 要了我们的485收据过后,让我们稍等10分钟,然后打印了几张
纸,然后叫我们回来,说我老婆的nice check cleared, 我的还在pending.

然后说昨天(!!??)我和老婆的案子被移到 "examination room", 说 "they will work
on them, just be patient". 我问要不要file service request, he said: “if i
were you, i would not because there is just action yerterday and beside, I
give you much more info than you can get from servcie request“.

然后还说等着晚上看奥运,blah, blah.

听他的意思,好像下一步就是等IO的决定。不过好像从来没有听说过examination room