loveduo2004-08-10 20:13:42
I am applying immigration to Canada:
Here is the time table:
1) 10/2001 File application
2) 1/2002 first letter saying waiving interview
3) 10/2002 Second letter asking for info updating, med. exame and landing fee (paid)
4) 6/2003 Third letter asking for second medical exame.
5) 7/2004 fax inquery for status, be told waiting for info from agencies.
5) now The second medical exame expires and heard nothing from them again.

So my questions are:
1) Did anyone have similar experience?
2) How do you think of my case? Got big trouble?
2) If I want to complain, how and where to send my complaints?

Thank you for help!
littlittle2004-08-10 20:19:52
loveduo2004-08-10 21:14:21
bigbigbigi2004-08-10 21:35:44
littlittle2004-08-10 22:18:32
do you want my timeline?
bigbigbibg2004-08-11 14:43:12
Thanks, you'r very nice