cwluo2008-11-15 19:33:33

I have been long wondering why EB3-China cut-off date is almost
the same as EB3-India cut-off date while the number of Chinese
H-1 visa holders, in other words, intending immigrants, is far
out-numbered by the number of Indian H-1 visa holders in this
country by almost 847%: For example, in 2007 only 16,628 H-1B
visas were issued to Chinese while 157,613 H-1B visas were issued
to Indians - Please see Table 4 on Page 5 of the DHS pdf document
located at the link below:

As a result, in 2007, the number of EB3 visas issued to Chinese nationals
(3,580) is only 20% of the number of EB3 visas issued to Indian nationals
(17,795) - Please refer to Page 2 of the DOS pdf document located at the
link below:

Is this something abnormal, or perhaps, illegal?
东杨杨2008-11-16 19:35:37
What can we do about it, it is terrible!!
freezingsummer2008-11-16 20:32:59
yes-and-no2008-11-17 21:08:07