sunandmoon2008-12-06 03:15:12
Processing of I-485 requires fingerprints to be taken at age 14. Because you have reached fourteen years of age, you are subject to complete a Form FD-258 (fingerprint card). Submit a check or money order in the amount of $80.00, payable to "USCIS". Once the $80.00 fee is received at this Service, you will be scheduled to have your fingerprints taken. A written notification will be sent at a later date. This notification will inform you as to the date, time and the location where your fingerprints will be taken. Failure to submit the additional fee within 87 days of this notice will result in the denial of the application. If you have previously paid the fingerprint fee, submit to this Service documentation to show proof you have paid the fee and that you have completed the FD258 fingerprint process.

除了交$80外, 我们是否还要交Form FD-258 (fingerprint card)? 如是, 哪里可以下载Form FD-258?
原文"you are subject to complete a Form FD-258 (fingerprint card)" 让我们很糊涂, 不知是否要提交Form FD-258? 似乎要交, 可是网上找不到Form FD-258.又觉得不用交, 打指纹时应该有Form FD-258.

请指正, 谢谢!
红棉袄2008-12-06 15:38:46