beautiful82009-04-03 17:10:31

上次看了您的经验(关于父母离境延期加注)。我试着make an appointment 在当地移民局,但是很confusing

Please select Kind of Service you need

You need Service on a case that has already been filed

You are a new Permanent Resident and have not yet received your Permanent Resident Card

You want to file an application in person

You need information or other services

You need a form.

我选第三项――you want to file an appointment in person
然后only出现Appointment to file in-person applications that are accepted by your local office.
然后要填姓名。。。,最后要receipt number,彻底不知道该怎么办。

能否请您告诉我您是你怎么预约的,sorry for the stupid 要求。