lakebalboa2009-04-16 00:52:44
感谢您刚刚的回复. 关于处理中心按照RECEIPT DATE或者NOTICE DATE来处理我的案件. 我的案件有一个小的GLITCH, 就是先交到加州中心, 转交NEBRASKA, 时间错过, 被错误退回, 后再递交NEBRASKA 接受后NOTICE DATE 是2007年11月.

我自己阅读了您BLOG上的SOP (STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES), 虽然是2002年的版本, 但是如果没有太大差异的话, 第98页和115页明确说明, 系统中只有RECEIPT DATE, 通过RECEIPT DATE建立RAFACS档案. 请看下面的摘抄.

The staging area houses pending I-485 filings. The filings are segregated by the month of receipt. The date on the barcode is the date used to determine upon which shelf the I-485 should be placed. Temporary files (T-files) will be separately segregated at the end of the month’s section of files. However, “family packs” will be kept together.

The RAFACS code identifies the month of receipt.

如是这般, 我的个案来看, 应该有.RECEIPT DATE来处理. 请指教! 谢谢.
pjiang2009-04-16 15:24:45