You have not sufficiently established your birth and parentage. USCIS
acknowledged the submitted notarial certificate. This evidence alone is not
sufficient because it is considered secondary evidence. Additional secondary
evidence must be submitted to sufficiently establish your birth and
parentage. Please submit the oldest available secondary evidence which
establishes your birth and parentage. This evidence may include, but is not
limited to:
a. Hospital birth records which name the child and both parents.
b. Medical records which name the child and both parents.
c. School records which name the child and both parents.
d. Census records which name the child and both parents.
e. Religious records in the form of a certificate under the seal of the
organization where the baptism, dedication, presentation or comparable rite
occurred following the birth, showing the date and place of the child;s
birth, the date of the religious ceremony, and the names of the child's