tranquilangler2009-05-28 17:46:44
I am in trouble now about the immigration status. My H1b expire June 30, 2009. I once applied EAD, but I didn't use it. For some reasons(my faults), Now, I just mailed out EAD application May 26. Some people said that it will take more than one month to get EAD card. That means there should be a gap between my H1B expiration and revival my EAD CARD. If this is the case, can I still work? How to deal with this situation?
I am bothering about this.....
Is there any advice?
thanks a million.

late60's2009-05-28 18:29:26
回复:About the GAP between HIB and EAD.
tranquilangler2009-05-28 21:38:19
回复:回复:About the GAP between HIB and EAD.