standard20092009-06-27 18:10:19
但近来公司有消息要裁人,我觉得如果真裁的话,我的危险很大。如果不幸被裁,新工作是不是必须在OPT到期前找到并transfer H1B名额?


8632112009-06-27 20:27:03
回复:Question: from OPT to H1b
123*3212009-06-27 20:33:14
回复:回复:Question: from OPT to H1b
8632112009-06-27 20:44:47
回复:回复:回复:Question: from OPT to H1b
standard20092009-06-27 21:54:24
回复:Question: from OPT to H1b
8632112009-06-27 22:58:48
回复:回复:Question: from OPT to H1b
standard20092009-06-28 02:23:43
回复:回复:回复:Question: from OPT to H1b
8632112009-06-28 03:46:02
回复:回复:回复:回复:Question: from OPT to H1b
standard20092009-06-28 13:40:39
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:Question: from OPT to H1b