wjsophia2004-09-12 03:59:11
Anybody know the situation of a PostDoc position in Canada??

I am a Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering graduated from an USA moderate univ. I am also applying for Canadian immigration. Since there is no gurantee to get Greencard soon in USA and i have a wife and a baby to feed, i am thinking of being a postdoc in Canada first and then come back to USA after getting Canadian citizenship. My plan is to search for a PostDoc in Canadian top universities such as McGill and University of Toronto so it will help me later to find a job in USA here. My major is thin films' characterization.

Don't laugh at me for thinking about such universities as McGill. I got an offer here of north carolina state university (ranked 33 in USA in Engineering). I refused it because it is only one year offer and pay me low so i can't even get H1. Also what he wants me to do is pretty far from what i am doing now.

I know McGill university is much better than north carolina state university. But this is just my point:
1. is that possible to get a Postdoc offer in Canada in top universities, let me say, top 10 in Mechanical engineering majored in thin films or nanotechnology for a guy graduated from a moderate univ in USA and without too many journal papers???
2. How about the pay for a PostDoc in Canada???

Thank you for your just reading through this. If you can offer any suggestion or experience, i will greatly appreciate it.

Thanks again!

chopn2004-09-12 05:11:52
回复:PostDoc in Canada??
wjsophia2004-09-12 05:47:05
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shengcheng2004-09-12 13:18:40
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wjsophia2004-09-12 23:06:24
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wjsophia2004-09-12 23:07:10
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