前景堪忧2009-10-06 00:14:39
请教各位大侠,以下scenario 该如何判断?
招聘广告(工作要求懂中文)登出后,收到数封简历。one applicant (Chinese) who was in another state did respond to email interview questions, but didn’t respond to our interview invitation (email format) and no further inquires received from him. Two U.S. citizen applicants didn’t respond to our email interview questions (the questions include such as Chinese language requirement, whether they are U.S. citizens) and there were no further inquiries received from them.

劳工卡批准的要求是:”the determination will continue to be based on: whether there are not sufficient United States workers who are able, willing, qualified and available…”

根据以上要求,since applicants didn’t respond, that shows they are not willing, 这可否作为拒绝这三个applicants的原因??applicants 无回应,是否还应 发email要求他们回答?

“United States Workers”是指绿卡持有者及U.S. citizen, 对吗?

