anotherchinese2009-11-06 13:03:16
我的H-1B批准了。我8月初开始干活,9月中学校开始办H-1B,USCIS 10/29收到application package,11/2日批准H-1B。可是我现在仍然拿不到钱。因为系里才开始办理我的job application,说学校的领导可能不批,因为我的postdoc职位还没有打广告,学校的领导会有意见。A tier 2 international university 怎么会这么混乱?我可以跟系里说生米已成熟饭,我必须从开始拿薪水,否则学校触犯了移民法吗?
anotherchinese2009-11-06 13:40:28
从开始 --> get salary from the approvel date 11/2
anotherchinese2009-11-06 15:23:01
As recorded in email, the paperwork started on 9/4
needwait..2009-11-06 15:30:34
Both you and your University violate the immigration law
AnotherChinese2009-11-06 15:42:11
sdfsdfsdff2009-11-06 16:49:55
yeeha2009-11-06 16:58:21
anotherchinese2009-11-06 22:44:18
The job offer: the employment take effect on 10/15
AnotherChinese2009-11-06 22:46:19
Yes. But I worked at home
sdfsdfsdff2009-11-08 18:49:03
回复:The job offer: the employment take effect on 10/15